Healing and Recovery

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Steven Diaz LCSW

"Know that I am with you every step of the way and that I am there lockstep with you to take you where you want your life to go. There may be bumps and hiccups on our way there but know that I am committed to helping you become the person you would like to be. Our work to get there will involve a deep and thorough examination of yourself, a comprehensive look at the bumps and hiccups when they happen (both past and present) and putting into practice your insights to avoid future roadblocks and pitfalls."

Therapy made for you:


I believe that all therapy is personal, and so I take the time to understand the barriers and their unique effects on you and your life and work with you to address them. 


I am with you every step of the way and that I am there lock-step with you to take you where you want your life to go.


All communication with me has a 24hr or less turnaround which keeps you informed, updated, and ready.


You know what to expect every week, expectations for myself and yourself are communicated up front promptly.

Lets get started.

Please complete the form below to schedule a consultation.

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