Therapy services

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Counseling personalized for you:

At Healing and Recovery, counseling is provided by using an eclectic approach that's personally made and adjusted for you. I believe that all therapy is personal, and so I take the time to understand the barriers and their unique effects on you and your life and work with you to address them and arrive at your goals. 


Career Counseling

Navigating feelings about your career can be challenging especially when they go unexpressed and kept inside.

Generalized anxiety

If an unknowable figure causes you to freeze up, it might be time to ask for help.

Navigating relationships

In any type of relationship, we sometimes need someone else's perspective.

Counseling for Panic

Do you sometimes hyperventilate or feel overwhelming dread?

Counseling for Friends & Family of addiction

Addiction affects the lives of those struggling with it, and the lives of friends and family.

Disordered Eating

Do you feel a loss of control when you're around food? Do you skip meals, or do you rigidly restrict your food intake?

Emotion-Focused Therapy

Do you find it hard to control your emotions? Do your emotions often dictate your response? 

Sexual addiction

If you feel unable to stop high risk sexual activity it may be time to ask for help. 


Reaching out for help is the first step to manage depression.

Life Transitions

Has your life been touched by a major event such as a death, divorce, or layoffs at work?

Device Addiction

If phone, tablet, or computer use is causing you anguish due to being unable to stop, it may be time to ask for help.

Chronic Impulsivity

Do you struggle with behaviors that seem unplanned?


Do you often avoid certain places due to something you fear more than intensely?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Having obsessive thinking patterns that can include unwanted thoughts, images, or urges that make a person feel anxious or distressed.

Personal Addiction Counseling

Nicotine products are more accessible than ever with vapes and other mediums, quitting on your own can be hard.

Social Anxiety

Are you always worried about making mistakes, looking bad, or being embarrassed in front of others?

Behavior Modification

Trying to eliminate a behavior? Or trying to remain consistent with another behavior?

Alcohol Use

Obtaining sobriety is hard, doing it alone is harder, reaching out is the first step.

Therapy for Self-Esteem

Do you suffer from anxiety or depression? Do you often feel awkward and self-conscious in social settings?

Inspirational Quotes

“If you're lonely when you're alone, you're in bad company.”

- Jean-Paul Sartre

"Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self. Therefore, trust the physician and drink his remedy in silence and tranquility." 

Khalil Gibran

"Social action, just like physical action, is steered by perception." 

Kurt Lewin

"Know that I am with you every step of the way and that I am there lock-step with you towards where you want your life to go."

Steven Diaz

"To do what you say is to speak in a language of pure meaning."  
